I think I have began…

I think I have began feeling our Jellybean move!! Yesterday as I was waiting for Hubby to get off of work & see me waiting for him (needed to ask him a question & he doesn’t have a cell phone..) The boys and I were sitting in the car, They were playing their game boys in the back of the car & I was sitting with my left leg up on the door of the car, so my belly was a little scrunched up & squished, on the lower left part of my abdomen, I felt like this little POKE. This morning, I was sitting my the front door, reading my book, and again, had my belly squished, and I felt it again.

I know it’s too quick of a poke to be gas, and also, there was no gas to follow anyways lol. I am super excited!! If this is what it was – then This is the earliest I have ever felt movement!

With M – I was right around 18 weeks. With C – I was around 16-17! I am about 13 1/2 weeks right now.

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