Menu Monday..

Here’s my Menu for this week!!

Not in a rat race!!

I have had a LOT of problems with this person that I am fixing to write about.

Keep in mind – NO names will be mentioned, nor will there be any relationships listed!!

There have always been times when it seems this person can do nothing but try to [for lack of better word] one up Hubby and I. We got cell phones back in 2007 – At the time, Motorola Raz’rs were really popular. [I would still LOVE a raz’r!!] This was the FIRST time we got any kind of cell phones. This other person had to go get a cell phone that was 10x more expensive than what we had.

This has gone on since he and I have been together – 2004.

Recently – We bought a new car at the end of July/beginning of August. He was still working at his old job at the time – he has since quit there & went to work at a saw mill – which gives him 2x more hours than he was working at Walmart! He will get paid what he made every 2 weeks at his old job ONCE a week at the saw mill. Anyways – we would have needed something different, since at his old job he worked over night & I needed to have the boys up to catch the bus at 7am (he got OFF at 7 and didn’t get home until around 7:30ish). So we got me a car, and he drives the vehicle we previously had.

It’s nothing spectacular.. It’s a 2000 Ford. White. I love it. Not only is it “new” to us, but this is the only car I have had that has ever had both a working air conditioner as well as a working heater!! The other vehicle – the heat works, but only on the 4th and 5th settings. The air conditioner never worked. We bought the other vehicle for $800, so really, there was NO room for us to complain!!

We find out a couple weeks later that this person has a brand new car. Why?? I don’t have a clue.. The latest one they got was purchased January of 2011 and is still in really good condition. Not even paid off yet – so why get another?? Your guess is as good as mine!!

A friend of mine called me & said her family was moving & they weren’t going to be able to take their dog with them, would we be interested in having her? I said, “Sure.” She is an 8 year old Chihuahua and one of the best dogs we’ve had!! We do have to take her out on a leash, because if not, she tries running off. I (the one we had before – and still do) can go outside and she’ll not go up to the road, or off in the woods, etc.

Find out day before yesterday – This person went & BOUGHT a new dog. They have 1, complain about it, yet go BUY another??? Again, why? Your guess is as good as mine 🙂

They want to compete with who has the “best” etc.. I’m not going to do it.. I’m not into this kind of crap!! If we wouldn’t have needed a way for me to get the boys to the bus stop, we wouldn’t have gotten a new car. We have only ever bought 1 dog, and that’s I. I saw her, I wanted her, I bought her.. At the time we got her, we had no other animals, we lived in town (yes – we were allowed to have animals), and the boys wanted a “pet”.

I would prefer cooking at home every night, than going to McDonalds and eating every single night of the week. I can’t stand there eating once a month, let alone every day!! But yep, let’s complain about never having enough money to go do anything, yet eat out every night. No, it might not be McDonalds, but probably 6 out of 7 nights a week, it’s fast food. I couldn’t do that!!

Ugh – Just some people…


We haven’t had any type of TV to watch other than DVD movies since like early 2011 when we moved.  This past Tuesday, we had DirecTV hooked up at our house & let me tell you, the boys are LOVING not having to watch the same DVD’s over and over! I will admit, it is nice lol. But let me tell you, there are some CRAZY shows that seem to be on!! We watch a LOT of Food Network, Chopped, Cupcake Wars, Restaurant Impossible, etc! In the mornings, when C is watching Power Rangers & Pokemon in his bedroom, I watch A Baby Story.. I love this show & have watched it a lot. I’m surprised that some of the ones that I am watching this past week aren’t reruns that I’ve seen lol. Anyways, They have a commercial on that channel, about a show called Extreme Cheapskates. I can see cutting your own hair, reusing yogurt containers. BUT – Using the restroom in a jar, so you don’t have to flush your toilet, or diving in dumpsters so you don’t have to pay for food. Those are just gross! We reuse a LOT of stuff here, but there is NO way I would ever suggest to my husband and boys that they need to use the restroom in a jar, And you know – NO way would I have my family eat out of a dumpster. Gross! For one – You don’t know how well the food was cooked when it was prepared, #2, do you know how long the food has been in the dumpster? No way!! Absolutely disgusting 🙂

Just a pregnancy post & update!

I’m pretty awful at updating posts lol. You will come to see that if you stick around and keep reading the blog 🙂

This week has been pretty uneventful. I made the chicken tater tot casserole that I found on pinterest last night – I put it in the crockpot around 10:30 am and by 5:00 pm, the chicken was nice & juicy & extremely tender & the meal was absolutely DELICIOUS!! This is one recipe that I will most definitely be keeping around and make it often, because the boys LOVED it and cleaned their plates!! That made me super happy 🙂 Only because it’s not many times that they actually DO clean their plates!!

I am thinking about talking to Hubby about possibly making this into a domain. Since he has gotten a new job, his new thing is trying to get everyone something that they want with his now weekly (as opposed to bi-weekly) paychecks. (His checks now equal what he would have gotten paid from Walmart in 2 weeks, in 1 week now.) It’s nice not struggling with money anymore!! Though I have told him that I don’t want to just go overboard spending because we do need to save some just in case!

We decided last night that by March 1st, we will have EVERYTHING we need for baby!! At least the BIG stuff & clothes!! Carseat, crib, pack & play, mobi (or some other type of wrap for me), and swing. I would LOVE to cloth diaper, but I’m honestly not sure if we will or not! I know I will try as hard as I possibly can to breast feed this one. I wasn’t able to with the boys, due to them not latching and me not producing, but since then, I have found a fantastic forum ( that has a board directed JUST TO breastfeeding, and I plan to read as much as I can into that forum – and learn maybe how I can produce more milk & get my supply up! Of course I plan to pump some – because the boys have already started asking about being able to feed baby. Most people I have talked to have discouraged paci’s at least before the first 6 weeks, and ya know what, If baby would like to take a paci, and will, then he/she will have one! M didn’t take one – yet C did. They were completely different babies! M was more cranky, cried a lot more, & was aweful during his teething stages. C on the other hand was a lot more content, didn’t cry, would lay & watch things more, while sucking on his paci & his teething stages weren’t so bad. He had his paci to chew on!

I have also been reading into these amber teething necklaces, and I have a friend who has used one on her daughter since she was 4-5 (I think) months old and she said she has NEVER had a problem out of her teething. I might try to invest in one of those as well!

Menu Monday 10/1

Well, here’s our menu for the week!! Last week’s ended up changing up a little, so I’m not sure HOW accurate this one will be – BUT I am going to the grocery store today after I take C to preschool, so I’ll be getting everything we need for this week!!


A lot of my recipes that I get are from


I think I have began…

I think I have began feeling our Jellybean move!! Yesterday as I was waiting for Hubby to get off of work & see me waiting for him (needed to ask him a question & he doesn’t have a cell phone..) The boys and I were sitting in the car, They were playing their game boys in the back of the car & I was sitting with my left leg up on the door of the car, so my belly was a little scrunched up & squished, on the lower left part of my abdomen, I felt like this little POKE. This morning, I was sitting my the front door, reading my book, and again, had my belly squished, and I felt it again.

I know it’s too quick of a poke to be gas, and also, there was no gas to follow anyways lol. I am super excited!! If this is what it was – then This is the earliest I have ever felt movement!

With M – I was right around 18 weeks. With C – I was around 16-17! I am about 13 1/2 weeks right now.

An announcement!!

Those readers who have come over here from following my review blog have been looking forward to my “announcement” and “secret” for a while now!!

Well, I am ready to announce it!!


I had my 13 week OB appointment yesterday!! We are all very excited 🙂 We found out back in July/Very Early August.. When we first found out, I told Hubby that I wouldn’t be telling anyone until we were SURE things were okay. i.e. Heard a heartbeat or saw baby on ultrasound. Well, I went to the doctor yesterday, the first thing the nurse did after I did my urine sample (I drank 1 liter of Evian Water before my appointment – so I had to go BAD) was get out her doppler! She found the heartbeat pretty darn quick! It was steady at 150 bpm. I will admit, I teared up! Like pretty bad. I walked into that appointment pretty scared, nervous & just not very optimistic. But boy did that change quickly!!

Between my first appointment (at 4 weeks) and my second appointment (at 9 weeks) – I had gained 4 lb. I was weighed yesterday, I had lost 3 lb. I am at a total of 1 gained pound so far for this pregnancy. He said he likes to see his patients keep it at the 5 lb mark by 20 weeks, and typically no more than 20-30 the whole pregnancy. That was my goal in the beginning, so I think I can do it!! I’ve been eating just smaller portions. No, I’m not trying to lose weight, I just want to not gain a whole lot to have to take off at the end of the pregnancy!!

With my pregnancy with M I gained 62 lb. I only ended up losing like 28 lb of that between the time he was born until the time I got pregnant with C. When I went into the hospital to have C, I was back at my ending weight I was at with M. They both ended up being 7 lb 9 oz and 20 1/2 inches long, both heads measured 14″ as well. If I end up at my end weight I had with the boys, that will put me at gaining 23 pounds. I do believe I can work with that!

So anyways, There’s my big announcement!!! This was a 100% completely planned pregnancy!

Menu Monday & Link Up!

Here’s my menu for the week!!

  • Monday – Ranch hamburgers, french fries & apple pie.
  • Tuesday – Chicken Fajitas, Refried Beans & Salad
  • Wednesday – Spaghetti, Salad & Bread
  • Thursday – Apple Pork Chops, Steamed Asparagus &
  • Friday – It’s homecoming night for our football team, so we’ll most likely eat subway or at the ball game!

This is something that I will be doing every Monday!! Feel free to link up below if you would like to!!

Others can use some “inspiration” for their menu’s I am sure!

Hello & an introduction!

Hi! I’m Jessica. I am married to the absolute love of my life! Hubby and I have been married since March 31, 2007!  Together we have 2 little boys, M is 6 and C is 4. We suffered an early miscarriage (11 weeks gestational) in April of 2012.

Hubby and I are both 28 years old. We were 20 when we got together. November will be our 8 year “together” anniversary. He’s my best friend.

In this blog, I won’t mention my husband’s name or my children’s names!! I will refer to my children through their first initials M & C. My husband will be referred to as Hubby. Not very original, I realize, but it’s okay!

We reside in Missouri. I have lived here my whole life. There are times I would like to move somewhere else to get away from people, but I always go back to the fact that I am so close to my family and if the other people have such huge problems with me, maybe they should remove me from their life. That seems hard for them to do, with as much as they are constantly talking and mouthing about me. That’s fine though 🙂

I love to crochet! I have made the most hats, but love doing blankets & am currently working on one for a fantastic friend that I have made via facebook, and have a couple others planned. One of course, for our child that is due in April – and a couple more for my oldest brothers baby who is due in February!

My side of the family will get 3 new babies this coming year. My brother & his girlfriend are due in February. I am due about 8 weeks later in April. My cousin & his wife are due with their first about 6 or so weeks after I am due – so they’re due in May. It should be an exciting first half of the year!

I have 3 brothers. All are younger than me. T is 2 years younger than me. D is 16 years old and W is 15 years old. I am the oldest of us 4 children and the only girl.

My parents currently have 3 grandSONS. My 2 boys and my brothers girlfriends oldest son! He’s not blood relation to any of us, but by golly with the way we treat him, you certainly can NOT tell!! He is the sweetest little boy & oh so adorable 🙂

Hubby drives a dodge caravan. I drive a 2000 ford taurus. The taurus is new to us. We bought it the end of July 2012.

Both of the boys are in school. M is in full day from 8 to 3 but C is only half day – 12 to 3. M is in Kindergarten. C is in preschool. C has to do speech.

I guess this will have to be enough of an introduction because I have to get C ready for school 🙂 We leave the house at 11, go eat lunch then he goes off to class!